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Bookmarks are handy tools for inviting others to come check out the website and learn about the Brights movement. These 7"x2" two-sided blue beauties display the Brights' logo and the website URL, along with the Brights' own "action tagline." These sturdy items will not wrinkle or tear (they are plastic, gently bendable, and waterproof).
You can order a bookmarks sample (3) "free" by sending a self-addressed #10 envelope - stamped (with a "Forever" or 55-cent stamp) to Brights Central.
Note: The postal address to use is at the very bottom of every webpage on this site.
If you wish us to extend this free offer to Brights who express interest from other countries, you can help us to make the offer globally simply by enclosing a U.S. dollar bill or two with your SASE and earn a bonus bookmark for your kindness.
(Current one-ounce postage for overseas is $1.20.)
Non-U.S.A. - Free offer (on "as available" basis)
As BC is located in the United States, we cannot use the above envelope method. However, sometimes American Brights feeling generous will enclose extra funds, and we can supply you with a free sample if you simply email your request, provide your mailing address and put "ANYBOOKMARKS?" in your subject line. We will fulfill those requests as/if we can (when extra funds arrive).
U.S.A. - Standard Bookmark Purchases
To help BC recoup actual costs and/or if you prefer to use PayPal for your payment (which takes its processing fee), then please order and pay for at least one "batch" (10 bookmarks). You'll have one for yourself, and you'll have some available to distribute to others at opportune times. You may purchase via PayPal using Visa or MasterCard, or with your PayPal account. If you do not have a PayPal account, simply click "Don't have a PayPal account" and go to the Visa/MasterCard payment page.
Non-U.S.A. - Standard Purchases
A single batch of bookmarks (10) is almost at cost if you use PayPal.com for your payment. (Don't forget to supply your postal mailing address!)
Larger Bookmark Orders - Perhaps you wish to obtain more bookmarks for a certain purpose? If so, then please email Brights Central with your specific request. (Please put "BOOKMARK ORDER" in uppercase letters in your subject line.) In the message, supply your name, postal address, the total number of bookmarks you would like to obtain, and mention how you anticipate using them to advance the aims of the Brights movement (see the home page). You will be quoted a price and a proposed method of payment that will enable fulfillment by The Brights' Net at minimal cost to both (you and TBN).