The Brights' Evolution Poster Project:
“Earth and Life: changes over time”

—a special initiative promoting sound science education

Teacher’s Request Form and Agreement

Poster sponsorship by Brights and others who back sound science enable The Brights’ Net to supply wall posters FREE to science educators of years 10 and/or 11 located in the UK* who agree to post and use the poster to enhance their teaching of evolution to students.

Instructions to Applicant:
  1. Please carefully examine the pictorial to gauge its usefulness to your curriculum (view here)
  2. Assess its suitability for posting (i.e., consider the size dimensions and your classroom setting; can you place the poster so that students can engage the information at eye level?)

Please remember:
We're distributing these posters on a first-come, first-serve basis. At this moment in time, we are limiting requests to one poster per school. If you'd like to obtain additional posters for your department, please send us an email.

Name of School:
School Website URL:
Building # and Street:
Locality (if required):
Post Town:
Post Code:
School Phone:

Name of Teacher Applicant:
Department Name:
Teacher Email Address (for follow-up):
Grades Levels You Teach: Year 10 Year 11 Other
Name(s) of Science Course(s) You Teach:

How did you find out about the Evolution Poster offer?

Teacher Agreement

I am a science teacher at the above named school. Having examined the pictorial “Earth and Life: changes over time”, I am confident that this classroom resource will be useful to me in my teaching. I realize that the wall poster is to be provided at no cost because I will be posting and using it in the classroom while helping my students learn about evolutionary change.

I teach science classes a day for a total of students in my classroom daily.

Teacher email addresses will be verified as part of the application process. After submitting your application, please check your email's inbox for your confirmation link. Only applications with verified email addresses will be considered or accepted for the poster project. Please check your email's spam folder if you do see a confirmation email in your inbox after applying.

The Brights' Net
P.O. Box 163418
Sacramento, CA 95816 USA

To be counted as a Bright, please use the registration form.

Copyright © 2025 The Brights' Network. All rights reserved.


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