Supporting the Brights

Supporters can start helping right away by spending some time, upfront, to study the site and its action priorities. Every Bright needs to understand how the Brights' Net is organized to pursue a different manner of activity. This website is the central hub of information.

Whether as donors, as individual actors, or as volunteers along with others, it is Brights themselves who will help the movement to grow and progress.

Volunteers and activists can help most when they have thoroughly absorbed the reason and purpose, the aims and principles, the language and strategies, and the communication policies. Activists do this in order to assure that their subsequent actions are well aligned with the civic purpose of the Brights movement.

Donors, too, are always needed. Busy individuals who have too little time to devote to proactivity can help to sustain the central hub of information and communications. There are several pathways to financially help "Brights Central" to serve as a resource for other Brights.

The Brights' Net is a nonprofit educational organization. It depends on Brights.

Please pitch in!

Be a "Checkbook Activist"!

We appreciate your financial support and pledge to use it wisely.

Donate button

You can respond with a donation during the the Brights' equinox fund drives held twice a year - March and September). You can use the PayPal link to contribute directly at any time during the year, or donate by checks.

Show Yourself an Advocate!

Make others aware of this initiative to illuminate and elevate the naturalistic worldview..

Purchase from the Brights Shop at CafePress (T-shirts, bumper stickers, and much more) or from the Brights' Kiosk at Zazzle

Purchase other Brights Merchandise at Brights Central such as lapel pins or static clings and show you are a Bright.

All such purchases (Cafe Press, Zazzle, Brights Central) are at minimum markup. The purpose is to help spread word of the Brights movement.

Volunteer! Get Involved!

We welcome your involvement as a volunteer!

Would you like to contribute your time, energy, and expertise? We invite you to check out the opportunities available to join the action.

The Brights' Net is pursuing a large experiment in diffusing responsibility and seeking to accomplish substantive work of this movement by means of the Internet and volunteers. One attempt to maximize constituent participation in an organized fashion with low overhead involves "task teams." With these teams, the labor and expenses connected to some defined projects become the responsibility of a team of volunteers and do not cost a lot to implement.

Identify Yourself: There are a variety of supporting materials to help you spread the word regarding The Brights’ Net, including: banners for your web site, Brights’ wallet cards, mini-fliers, and professional-level, camera-ready logo art. Logos, Icons, & Banner Downloads

Task Teams: One highly successful project was the design and production of a Brights' Forum, in which volunteers from different nations collaborated to launch a communication capability for Brights. A current project involves translation of essentials of this Web site into French, which will serve as a pilot for further language translations. The significant upgrade of this site from its original form involved a team of Brights who had Web development expertise. We hope eventually to engage a similar team in an endeavor to infuse the site with various decision tools for Brights to move into an action arena. This last project is an example of a project that requires financial support to implement.

Join a Task Team! Be a Task Team Leader! Please watch the periodic Brights' Bulletins for opportunities to use your talents in this movement.

Brights Local Constituency (BLC): A number of Brights have requested e-mails of other Brights in order to gather together some sort of "local constituency".  [Example of the concept: Juan in Brazil wants to meet other Brights in or nearby San Paolo. The Net could send out an e-mailing to the San Paolo Brights to say that, if a person wants to gather locally, then to directly contact Juan, who has volunteered his e-mail.] There currently are around 20 BLCs in a variety of nations.

Click here to look for a BLC in your area.
Click here for information on starting a BLC in your area.

Financial Support!

Cafe Press

Maybe a Brights' mug or a button will appeal to you? Or perhaps a mousepad or Teddy Bear? What about some postage stamps? We are pleased to say that the Brights' Shop at CafePress is open and it carries an array of items adorned with official Brights' graphics and authorized sayings. There's a diversity of apparel (e.g., hats, shirts) and even a few household items (coasters, plaques). Start a conversation when your neighbor notices that your dog is decked out in a Brights' T!

Go to the Brights' Shop (at Cafe Press)

Equinox Fund Drive

The Brights movement is sustained by The Bright' Net, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and all donations to the endeavor are U.S. federal tax exempt to the limits of tax regulations. Feel free to review the Documentation of the Brights' Net tax exempt status and other general background information.

Using the USA National Public Radio model, there is a fund raising effort at each equinox. Insufficient funding will result in insufficient resources to provide efficient services to our Brights in five figures and spread across the globe (now in 138 nations).

Donate Now

Of course you don't need to wait until the equinox to contribute to The Brights' Net. PayPal is ready to process your donation into the Brights' account, ready for immediate action. We have found PayPal to be convenient and safe. No Bright has reported having a problem using the PayPal system.

Donate to The Brights' Net via PayPal

Financial Support — Things to Consider

International: If you are sending support in Canadian Dollars, Euros, Pounds Sterling, or Yen, the best pathway is to use PayPal and VISA/MasterCard/American Express/Discover. PayPal will automatically and securely convert your currency into U.S. Dollars at the current exchange rate and place it directly into the Brights' Net account. Costly bank charges for currency conversion work against acceptance of checks in currencies other than U.S. Dollars.

U.S.: Amounts under $100 are conveniently sent using either a check or the PayPal method. If you are sending $100 or more in U.S. Dollars, however, it makes financial sense to send a check, because PayPal transaction costs are approximately 2%. Due to high bank charges for currency conversion, the Brights' Net can accept checks only in U.S. Dollars.

Mail checks to: The Brights' Net, 163418 Fort Sutter Station, Sacramento, CA  95816 (please include your email address with the check).

All donations will receive a statement via email acknowledging your donation and the fact that it is tax deductible to the extent of law for U.S. federal tax and California state tax purposes.

Thank you for supporting the Brights' endeavor

We assure you that your support
will be wisely used to further the
Brights' program of social and civic change

Support The Brights

The Brights' Net
P.O. Box 163418
Sacramento, CA 95816 USA

To be counted as a Bright, please use the registration form.

Copyright © 2025 The Brights' Network. All rights reserved.


Creative Commons License
"the brights" logo by The Brights' Net is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at