Special Initiative Group

For Civic Action via Secular Coalition for America

Brights Action - USA*

Membership Available to: Any Bright who is a USA citizen

SIG Leadership: Brights Central

A SIG is a means for individual Brights to self-designate in support of certain goals. In this case, Brights Action - USA was formed specifically to enable Brights to endorse the mission of the Secular Coalition for America (SCA), which is:

To increase the visibility and respectability of nontheistic viewpoints in the United States and to protect and strengthen the secular character of our government as the best guarantee of freedom for all.”

An American Bright who has signed into this group proclaims support of that mission, which the SCA pursues through the actions of its lobbyists headquartered in Washington, D.C. and contacts with state chapters.

The Secular Coalition for America is an organization with member organizations and associate organizations. People lend it support via individual donations and also strengthen its voice by way of the endorsements and participation of their own organizations as voting member organizations or associate member organizations of SCA. The more of both, the louder SCA's advocacy voice will be.

A registration into this Brights Action SIG entails supporting the Secular Coalition for America and its activities in name only (no dues or donations are required, but are, of course, welcomed by SCA). You must already be registered as a Bright to belong to this SIG.

The Brights' Net, through its executive director or designated liaison, will enable this Brights Action SIG's endorsement or facilitation of those Secular Coalition's lobbying actions and/or policy statements deemed to align well with the overall civic aims of the Brights initiative. Current liaison: Mynga Futrell

* aka Brights Action SCA, which consists of a portion of the international constituency of Brights. It is one that American Brights can join voluntarily. The Secular Coalition for America lists this Brights Action SIG as “an endorsing organization” at its website (http://www.secular.org/endorsing_orgs.html).


The Action

The Brights' Net
P.O. Box 163418
Sacramento, CA 95816 USA

E-mail: the-brights@the-brights.net
To be counted as a Bright, please use the registration form.

Copyright © 2025 The Brights' Network. All rights reserved.


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