March 2016 Funding Appeal

Thank you for considering this message. How far we get in the next six months or year is up to Brights like you. Your financial backing sustains and strengthens the nonprofit organization that underlies the Brights’ unique and distinctive endeavor. The Brights’ Network depends on generosity of Brights (there are no “membership” dues).

Please play a part in these efforts. The more Brights who do, the farther we can go in bolstering a naturalistic understanding within our broader publics.

Let's Do It!

We have a backlog of over 300 requests from shortlisted teachers. Let's meet the need by printing and disseminating those posters. 

Evolution poster projectEarth and Life: changes over time
The Brights' charitable program to ensure that students deeply comprehend evolutionary development of the Earth itself and life upon it.

If you don’t already know it, our "evolution poster" is a matchless resource that teacher applicants are convinced will aid them immensely in their aim to help their students really and truly grasp the physical and biological details to gain understanding.  All that remains to meet the current backlog of expressed need is for Brights Central to accomplish a printing adequate to fulfill their requests is enough Brights funding the classroom poster distributions.

The Brights’ Net has a list of schools that have not yet been served (where a clearly qualified high school science teacher is already awaiting one of our unique 5 ½ foot wide classroom posters).  To fund a single bulk printing and shipping out all the posters free to the teachers, the cost per school approaches $60.  As we move past the March equinox and toward September’s, can we get this done?  With your financial help, we can by September's fund appeal respond positively to all the teachers who have stated their eagerness to acquire this valuable teaching resource. Think about the 97,200 students* who will consequently benefit if we do that!

These teachers have already described a valid instructional situation and consequently made it onto our approved list of applicants. All are anxious to teach evolutionary change as carefully and thoroughly as they can! The Brights have the sole dissemination rights to provide them with a matchless instructional resource that plainly will lift the teacher’s capacity to teach expertly about evolutionary change.
These students will learn more thoroughly about this important but complex subject and be able to better engage as future citizens. Citizens who have a solid understanding of the reality of how life came to be can participate more knowledgeably in personal and public decisionmaking and respond best to the challenges that the future will present.

* We’re talking about 97,200 students as the average number of students engaged if all the teachers are served (estimating a 3 year period); all numbers based on a previous survey shows a projected poster life span of three years (although many teachers laminate the poster immediately with plans for longer use).

Donate $60 One Time Donate $5 Per Month Donate another amount

Let's Do It!

We have a chance to further develop the morality portal, devising some key instructional tools that we Brights ourselves can use.

Reality about human morality projectReality about Human Morality
The Brights' charitable program to further public understanding of the natural basis of human morality in numerous countries across the globe.

The current “Reality about Morality” portal is outstanding – but not sufficient.  With help from many volunteer Brights and expert researchers, we've already established definitive facts about naturalistic underpinnings of morality. We have built an internationally accessible online portal. Still, we cannot rest on our laurels. There’s more to do!

The morality resources (validated statements and explanations in 15 languages, expert-recommended readings for general understanding, and accessible research evidence for researchers) are all available worldwide. But we need a serviceable (easy-to-use) instructional package for Brights themselves to employ in getting the word out!

Given the firm foundation we have now, let's to furnish to the many thousands of Brights across the globe appropriate resources (and guidance) for their individual actions. Brights Central will aid interested Brights in collaboration. They can develop an easy-action/strategy package.

A draft of a new and different infographic "How to Think Like a Scientist about Morality" is already out for review by morality experts and almost ready for the commissioning of graphics. A PowerPoint, fact sheets, etc. are on the horizon, yet to be initiated.

Earmark to Morality Project

Let's Do It!

We have occasion to keep the momentum going with individual volunteer actions by Brights, and also organizationally (as "The Brights").

A greater portion of the citizenry voicing the value of “nonbelief” may strengthen "Brights movement" values, but having more citizens vocally cherishing a naturalistic outlook is another way. It’s a matter of emphasis. Most coordination by “Brights Central” (the central communications hub) involves offering up affirmative facets of a naturalistic outlook and pursuing or urging positive actions to advance it.

Besides publishing the "A Little Brightness" newsletter, BC is continually registering new Brights, enhancing the website, answering queries, and providing constituent services (international forums, monthly bulletins, “BrightenOps” and a modicum of swag). The role is to carry out or support volunteer initiatives that are informing others or raising the profile of a supernatural-free understanding of the world. Three new volunteers to blog will soon be posting.
Special note: There’s a huge backlog of qualified teacher requests for the Brights’ extraordinary evolution poster! We want to respond positively to all the eligible teachers who have stated their eagerness to acquire this valuable teaching resource, Earth and Life: changes over time. Think about the 97,200 students (future citizens) who would consequently benefit if we supply the poster to each classroom.
There are multiple routes by which you can support The Brights’ Network financially. We hope you will choose to pursue one of the options available. Of particular help to planning and project support is when you decide to select an ongoing (usually monthly) subscription.

Support the Activities of The Brights

Support the overall programs of the Brights:

The Brights' Net
P.O. Box 163418
Sacramento, CA 95816 USA

To be counted as a Bright, please use the registration form.

Copyright © 2025 The Brights' Network. All rights reserved.


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