The Brights' Bulletin

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Issue #108

(Note that links in archived Bulletin issues may no longer be valid.)


Grab Your Chance

In this month's Bulletin, Brights Central is featuring ways to draw others' attention to the home page URL. 

Whenever visitors reach the home page, they will see the main civic goals of the movement, decide if they want to join the constituency, and think about how they might help out if they do. The idea is simply to entice them to the home page in the first place.

We hope during the month of May you take the opportunity to obtain a couple of items (free) and use them in your locale to bring new eyes to the website. May is for messaging via the movement. Thanks in advance! 

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FREE "Step Forward” Stickers (New)

BC has received a supply of stickers bearing the image shown here. These stickers are waterproof, and so they can be used outdoors, such as on an automobile bumper. Perhaps you would like one for your own car or scooter or bicycle?

Even if you don’t want to plaster a sticker on your means of locomotion, there may be a place in your locale where citizens can view the website URL on a sticker. Is there?

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May’s “Message Bonus”

During the month of May and while supplies last, BC will send you one of the new stickers at no cost if you will display it in a spot where others will have the opportunity to view it. 

Ask BC for your FREE Step Forward sticker right away, and along with the sticker, we will mail a more complete set of items as a BONUS. In May, the "message pack” includes a FREE No Supernatural Ingredients window cling (the static cling decal usually costs $2) along with other light-weight items.

Due to variations in postage costs, the process for obtaining these items varies, depending on where you live, so please click the link for details.

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"Illuminate It” Mini-flyers (New)

Brights Central recently added a new color mini-flyer to the Downloads page on the website (top portion shown here). 

For those who have color printing capability, this one is a useful addition to the simple black and white mini-flyer already there for downloading. The small size of a mini-flyer (4-up on a page) makes it relatively inexpensive to duplicate.

When you press other citizens on the idea of civic fairness and equality for brights, it is important to show them that there is diversity in our beliefs and values. This mini-flyer helps you to make that point.

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The Brights’ Tagline Says It!

See the tagline at the very top of this monthly newsletter? It’s the same tagline you see prominently displayed atop most every page of The Brights’ Net website.

Brights themselves considered various phrases (in a survey) and chose Illuminating and Elevating the Naturalistic Worldview as the best to capture the essence of the overall endeavor.  But the tagline also works in an additional way that goes beyond summing up the purpose of the Brights’ initiative: It serves as a challenge to Brights themselves to further the supernatural-free worldview in society.

When the tagline is your theme for any messaging you do,  it really keeps you centered on what this movement is all about. For more about the Brights tagline, you can go to:

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Bookmarks, Too! – Always Handy

Of the various merchandise items already available via the Brights’ site, the Brights’ bookmarks have been the most popular. They are another way to guide others to the website.

You can order a “batch of bookmarks” (1 dozen) to have on hand and pass along to anyone you know who enjoys books. The recipient can see the home page URL (on the reverse of the “front side”) and come have a look at the website.

Do you know any avid readers?  Actually, those folks may be brights! (Brights of all stripes appear to be readers!)  Stock up! - Why not have some bookmarks on hand to pass along or to display in likely public spots?

Bookmarks are substantial, and due to their weight must be ordered separately from the May Special items.

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International Brights’ Forum Report

The Forums seem full of art and music lately.  For example, there's a discussion running called Music Selections for a Humanist Funeral.  It's important to mark important life events with ceremony and respect — what's your idea for a good, secular memorial accompaniment?

Of course, many brights are interested in the latest progress and developments in science, such as speculative work toward retrieving valuable natural resources from the asteroids.   Whether pie-in-the-sky or down-to-earth, all kinds of ideas get a hearing in the Forums!

Whatever subject interests you, there is sure to be a venue in the Forums.  Why not drop by and see what's on offer.  If anything catches your eye, registration is quick and easy.  See you there!

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Emphasis on Civics (New Site Segment)

Better social acceptance. Increased civic involvement. Great ideals.

But how might we Brights actually advance the situation for people whose worldview is free of supernatural? What can we do? There is no recipe, but this site segment poses some deliberations for participating Brights to consider.

You can follow available links to a few action strategies that might help.

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Word of Brights Reaches New Nation

There’s not a Bright in every nation of the world, but with the recent registration of Bright in Nauru we draw closer! There are 57,495 in the international constituency of Brights in 186 nations.

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Brights Community Clusters (BCCs)

New in Los Angeles: A small band of L.A. Brights had an initial get-together in West Hollywood CA (USA) to explore the possibility of organizing to “express/foster Bright-ness” in California during a political year.  The coordinator is open to moving locations around in the LA area and interested in adding to the numbers.

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Backing Brightness (The Grassroots)

Thousands of Brights participating in small ways is grassroots support for this one-off Internet endeavor. Internationally, the Brights’ initiative is enticing and enabling individuals to come forward to begin to express their worldviews (free of supernatural/mystical) in the social realm and body politic in civic ways without reference to religion.

You don’t have to be a big donor to support and help expand this unique initiative. Simply pledging a small monthly donation or simply using the website links for any online shopping that you do will show your support.(The Brights' Net receives from 0.5% to 7% of your purchase price at no cost to you. )

There are many ways to ensure that The Brights’ Net is more than “just a website” and that it will continue to encourage others to advance the naturalistic worldview across the globe.

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A “Reality” That Escaped Dawkins!

Richard Dawkins, the evolutionary biologist, is noted worldwide for his many contributions to science and to the public understanding of science. (As most Brights are aware, he is also an atheist and supporter of the Brights movement.)

Dawkins is a brilliant speaker and prolific author. Without doubt, Dawkins really “hit the mark” in writing his The God Delusion. That book, published in 2006, sold wildly worldwide and benefited many people.

Dawkins’ latest book tour was in 2011 for a “children’s book" published both in the UK and the US.

While this book is a worthy read, it isn’t for the children that we recommend it. (From a certain standpoint, Dawkins’ aim seems off its proclaimed target.)

The “reality” we see is that a very broad reading population other than children still awaits – and these readers are very much in need of its content and more likely to benefit from reading it than “the children”.

If only Brights worldwide could help to get this content out to those folks! For more on this topic

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The Brights' Bulletin

The Brights' Net
P.O. Box 163418
Sacramento, CA 95816 USA

To be counted as a Bright, please use the registration form.

Copyright © 2024 The Brights' Network. All rights reserved.


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