Marilyn LaCourt's Books

This Bright from Wisconsin is a former marriage and family counselor with over 25 years of clinical experience. She has published more than a hundred essays on parenting, relationships, and mental health issues. Author of The Prize (a novel about bullies and victims), she now writes a column for fun in her local press. Says Marilyn: "I wasn't born a bright. Like everyone else, my brain didn't come automatically equipped with a worldview. The worldview I was benevolently inducted into was Christian. It took a lot of reading, studying, and questioning before I was able to achieve my enlightenment. I'm proud of my accomplishment. That's the best reason I can think of for coming out of the closet. Those who know me consider me to be a good and moral person. That's another reason for wearing my worldview proudly." She takes "A Look on the Bright Side of Social and Religious Issues" in one of her essays.


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