Vinod Wadhawan's Books

Vinod Wadhawan is a condensed-matter physicist who is currently researching complexity. He has been active spreading the message of science and the scientific method. He writes a weekly blog post with the label 'Understanding Natural Phenomena', promoting rational thinking. His aim is to emphasize the fact that the origin of life, and of much else, has a rational and natural (rather than supernatural) explanation in terms of the evolution of complexity in Nature. Vinod has written four books: Introduction to Ferroic Materials (2000); Smart Structures: Blurring the Distinction between the Living and the Nonliving (2007); Complexity Science: Tackling the Difficult Questions We Ask about Ourselves and About the Universe (2010); Latent, Manifest, and Broken Symmetry: A Bottom-up Approach to Symmetry, with Implications for Complex Networks (2011); and Understanding Natural Phenomena: Self-Organization and Emergence in Complex Systems (2017).


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