Books by Brights

Developing a Universal Religion: Why one is Needed and How it might be Derived

Author: David Hockey, Ed.D.
ISBN: 0-9731156-1-0
Distributors Include: Baker & Taylor, Quality Books, Library Services Centre, & United Library Services. The book can be bought from (with quantity discounts for four or more copies). Available from your local  bookstores (however, your library can also order it for you).


Modern humanism comes in two versions, secular and religious (see Frederick Edwards, "What is Humanism?").

1. Secular humanism. This appeals to those who define "good" or "bad" human activities (without referring to any spiritual entity) and focus upon current life. "Living in the 'here-and-now' and enjoying life without hurting others" is a common secular humanist's "good activity."

2. Religious humanism. This appeals to those who define "good" or "bad" human activities (without referring to any spiritual entity) and include the needs of future life as well as considering present life, . "Supporting activities which will help current and future life to survive or succeed" is a common religious humanist's "good activity." 

This book discusses why civilization may need a religious humanism to solve some of its current difficulties.

What Others Have Said About this Book

"Loved your book. It is one of the best I have ever read!!!"
Rob M. (Canada)

"It was a distinct pleasure to consider your ideas."
- Richard S. (U.S.A.)

"I find it hard to be critical of your book! The text is written so that it is comprehensible to the layman as much as to the expert, no mean feat. I thought how fluently it all flowed."
- John R. (Australia)

"Finished the book at the Black Sea last night. I loved it. It gave me insight and comfort--comfort for a man who has had difficulty with gods and the after life. I now want five copies as gifts to people I care about. (You might like to know that a Russian working with me asked if he could read it!)"
- Ron W. (Bulgaria)

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