Books by Brights

Neuroreality: A Scientific Religion to Restore Meaning, or How 7 Brain Elements Create 7 Minds and 7 Realities

Author: Bruce Eldine Morton, Ph.D.
ISBN-10: 0983341702
ISBN-13: 978-0983341703
To Purchase: Amazon (US) / Amazon (UK)


Neuroreality is a creation of the first non-supernatural religion devoid of gods and demons. Neuroreality is a transformational context bridging brain and mind, science and religion. Neuroreality is a 4,000 year upgrade of religion based upon the scientific method. Neuroreality clarifies the multiple nature of consciousness and reality giving direct access to life itself. Neuroreality provides fresh answers to the Big Questions of life, such as: Who am I? Why am I here? What should I be doing? Neuroreality places us at the event horizon of an eternal universe of infinite levels, each with unique occupants and emergent laws. Neuroreality uncovers the directly usable triadic elements that produce behavior, mind, and life. Neuroreality describes how and why our Dual Quadbrain produces survival-optimizing moral behavior through its Society of Seven. Neuroreality identifies two unrecognized non-racial human subspecies whose reproductive differences have long been at the heart of continuing human conflict from the intrapersonal to the global. Neuroreality brings awareness of a broken developmental repair program whose malfunction continues to bring suffering and waste to humanity. Neuroreality provides the tools needed to transform a smart primate into a wise human being.

About the Author

Bruce Eldine Morton, Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus at the John A. Burns School of Medicine of the University of Hawaii, presently living in Guatemala City. He became a true Bright as a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin. This deepened during his post-doctoral years at MIT and Harvard Medical School. He joined the faculty of the John A. Burns School of Medicine University of Hawaii in 1969. There, he directed a neuroscience research laboratory investigating the personality differences between right and left brain-oriented persons and discovered two neuroanatomical differences between the two using MRI. Visit his website, or send him an email at:

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