Books by Brights

Spirituality Without God – A Radical Humanistic Approach to Spiritual Life

Author: Moller De LA Rouviere
ISBN: 978-0-620-39766-7
To Purchase: US$ 19.50 plus $3.50 International shipping by air. Total price : USD 23.00 - Immediate shipment and delivery to international destinations approximately 14 days. Purchase directly from the author via the website at: Secure payment through sitcom international banking.


From the back cover: “ Human life, simplified to its natural condition of wholeness and compassion, is spiritual life”.

South African meditation teacher and author, Moller de la Rouviere has plotted in lucid, engaging detail a radical and original approach to the complete fulfillment of human life. His realistic and iconoclastic approach to spiritual unfolding describes a unique form of inner development which explores the deepest potential in us for truly self-transcendent, humane living. In a compassionate, insightful, yet practical fashion he takes the reader by the hand to discover for themselves the truth of their own deep human potential, reaching beyond words, images, traditions and dogma.

This book explores the most naturalistic approach to human development and integral living. Whereas traditional spiritual paths point to some or other ‘Great Beyond’ to which human life is supposed to aspire, SPIRITUALITY WITHOUT GOD’ points the search for meaning, truth and compassionate living directly at the human condition in its most natural form of undivided wholeness. Brights who consider human development as important to their lives, will discover in this book a wealth of information and forms of practice to assist them in their quest for sane, integral and humane living.

A few brief quotes from readers:

- “A classic text for human development. Simply brilliant! - Robert Rigby. Therapist. USA

- “ This book offers a step-by-step, self-verifiable approach for directly experiencing true holistic living. I recommend ‘Spirituality Without God’ wholeheartedly and unreservedly. – Michael Adamsom. Ph.D. USA

- “Just finished ‘Spirituality’ for the third time! Every time something new to discover. Powerful, life-changing stuff. Beaming with intelligence! Brian Roche. USA

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