Books by Brights

10 A Boot Stomping 20 A Human Face 30 Goto 10

Author: Jess Gulbranson
ISBN-10: 0980593840
ISBN-13: 978-0980593846
To Purchase: Amazon US / Amazon UK


There is no easy way to tackle some of the deepest issues around, like alienation, death, mental illness, and superstition. Sometime you just have to wade in and write a novel in three days that explores those issues. With gunfire, and explosions.

10 A Boot Stomping 20 A Human Face 30 Goto 10 does just that, and tells the tale of a young, antisocial record store clerk who discovers he possesses a strange power to contact rock stars from beyond the grave. From there it is a taut thriller wrapped in conspiracies, autism, philosophical debate, eschatological horror... and did I mention stuff blowing up?

"...intelligent, thought-provoking, goes down easily." -Jordan Krall
"...a thought-provoking tale that runs along metaphysics, balances strong comedic relief, right when it's appropriate." -Eric Mays
"...clever and funny and smart and one of my favorite new releases." -Christy Leigh Stewart
"Stop thumbing through Pynchon... and get on this!!!" -KI Hope

About the Author

Jess Gulbranson is a novelist, musician, poet, and critic, of the Rinzai and Frankfurt schools. He lives in Portland, OR, with his wife and daughter.

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