Books by Brights

To Set Prometheus Free

Author: A.C. Grayling
To Purchase: Amazon US / Amazon UK


This book sets out the arguments for a non-theistic naturalistic world-view; it examines the criticisms of religion offered by Bertrand Russell, and his effort to articulate a secular alternative to it; and it givers a critique of contemporary efforts by theists to defend claims to the compatibility of science and religion and ‘intelligent design’.

About the Author

A. C. Grayling MA, DPhil (Oxon) FRSL, FRSA is Professor of Philosophy at Birkbeck College, University of London, and a Supernumerary Fellow of St Anne's College, Oxford. He has written and edited over twenty books on philosophy and other subjects; among his most recent are "Ideas That Matter", " Liberty in the Age of Terror" and "To Set Prometheus Free". For several years he wrote the "Last Word" column for the Guardian newspaper and now writes a column for the Times of London. He is a frequent contributor to the Literary Review, Observer, Independent on Sunday, Times Literary Supplement, Index on Censorship and New Statesman, and is an equally frequent broadcaster on BBC Radios 4, 3 and the World Service. He writes the Thinking Read column for the Barnes and Noble Review in New York , is the Editor of Online Review London, and a Contributing Editor of Prospect magazine.

In addition he sits on the editorial boards of several academic journals, and for nearly ten years was the Honorary Secretary of the principal British philosophical association, the Aristotelian Society. He is a past chairman of June Fourth, a human rights group concerned with China , and is a representative to the UN Human Rights Council for the International Humanist and Ethical Union.

Anthony Grayling was a Fellow of the World Economic Forum for several years, and a member of its C-100 group on relations between the West and the Islamic world.

He is a Trustee of the London Library, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. In 2003 he was a Booker Prize judge, and in 2010 is a judge of the Art Fund prize.

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