Some Offers to Help

A sampling of comments made by individuals on the sign-up sheet and in emails

Always wanting to know what on earth I can do to try and increase people's thought processes as to religion / non-religion. It sometimes feels like hitting your head against a brick wall, and yet I think it's one of the most important things. I'll certainly be passing this link on!  Tracey, UK

A great idea. I'm printing out T-shirt so I can define this noun to anyone who asks (thought the defn will be on the back and statement "I am a bright" will be on the front.  Meade, USA

I will publish information about Brights in my bi-monthly Zošity humanistov (Leaflets for humanists) published in 150 copies in Bratislava in Slovak.  Rastislav, Slovak Republic

I am interested in helping in this movement in any way practical.  William, USA

I would be happy to receive literature which could be translated for the constituency in Bulgarian.  Peter, Bulgaria

I was so impressed with the concept of refusing to be caught up in the religious mumbo jumbo and attempting to return the dialogue to a secular perspective that I sent it on to some people, about 40 or so. 19 responded positively and I felt that we were on to something. My daughter joined before I even had a chance to speak to her and she recommended that I do the same. I believe many of my friends will do the same. A small quibble; although we all consider ourselves brights, we are a little uncomfortable with the name. Nevertheless ... Stuart, USA

I am willing to help with activism in the Indianapolis area. I don't have any outstanding art or media talent, but I do have connections in the homeschooling community and can help there. Let me know if you need any help.  Kelly, USA

I referred 2 coworkers to the Bright site today!  To most folks, "atheist" sounds like something evil. I prefer being a BRIGHT!  Jane, USA

If you would ever like any assistance, I am a Computer Science major and "programming diva".  I love website design, which is why I am apt to be overly critical. Let me know if I can help further the Bright cause.  Elizabeth

I would like to be a part of the cadre of Bright activists who engage energetically in efforts to spread the name and cultivate its meme potential. {E-mail}

This is a fantastic idea. Perhaps a bright idea - too cheesy, I know. I hope this flies and please feel free to contact me to help in any way I can.  Michael, Canada

Hi. I've just registered with the Brights net and I'm replying to the 'cadre of activists' plea. Send me details please.  I live in the UK.  Gordy.

I live in [town near Sacramento] and would be interested in helping with any physical needs that the group may have.  Brian, USA

I just added my name to your data base. I could do more. You don't say what is involved, but I would be interested to hear. … I travel internationally quite often, for extended periods, and know world cultures really well.  Paul, Australia

Great idea! I'm putting a link on my website.  Nik

I'm going to put information about being a Bright on my personal web page and I'm going to develop a cute animated message about being a bright e-mail it to all my friends. Hopefully they will like it so much they will forward it to others (it will be a good meme.)  I'll send you a copy when I finish it.  Paul, US

Good Luck! (Need money? I mean, like 10 dollars a month, automatically deducted, or something. I'm just a single-income elementary teacher with a wife a three kids.)  Craig, USA

The Brights' Net
P.O. Box 163418
Sacramento, CA 95816 USA

To be counted as a Bright, please use the registration form.

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