Task Team Concept

Most organizations perform all the tasks of the organization out of an office with volunteer or paid staff.  In an attempt to produce a participatory organization with as little expense as possible, The Brights' Net is running an experiment in group responsibility - task teams.

The idea for a given task team may come from constituents or Brights Central. BC will define the specifics of the task and the steps for completing the task. The work and expenses connected to the task are the responsibility of the volunteer Task Team. (The tasks will tend to be "guerilla  promotion" or defined projects that do not cost a lot to implement.)

General Steps

  1. A need for a project is identified (usually by one or several constituents)
    "We need to..."
    (e.g., "...to contact appropriate web sites to ask for a link to the-brights.net).
  2. The Co-Directors plan the gist of the task and assign a name.
    The task is defined, the number of volunteers needed is stipulated, a procedure is set out, etc.
  3. A "call" for a Task Team goes out to all Brights
    This announcement is placed within the periodic Email Brights' Bulletin to all Brights. Brights who have interest are directed to a page of explanation with details on the task.
  4. Brights who decide to volunteer inform Brights Central.
    Each volunteer sends a Reply Email with the Task Team Name in the Subject line. The body provides first name (at least) and country and 50 words or less how one is qualified to be on the team.
  5. A team is assembled
    If too many individuals reply for the given task, a selection of volunteers will be made (first on the basis of qualifications, and then by a random drawing of names from the pool of qualified volunteers).
  6. The team members will be introduced to one another
    Volunteers must recognize that their Email (address and qualifications) will be provided to fellow team members (but not  to others in the constituency).
  7. The team will be introduced to the Brights' constituency
    For publicity within the Brights, BC identifies team members by first name and country in any Emailed announcements (but no Email addresses).

Task Team Organization

  1. Each Task Team is an independently functioning group with a specific charge.
    At any time, the Team can ask for advice or help from the Brights' Co-directors, but the responsibility for completing the task lies with the Team.
  2. The Team will probably be small enough to be able to communicate via Email using the entire group in the "send to" area. (Alternately, a list-serve function can be established).
  3. The Team follows the instructions provided on the Task Sheet to accomplish the project.
  4. A final report is sent to the Brights' Net Co-directors regarding the success of the project.

Active Tasks

Brights' Music (in progress) - compiling Brights-submitted music for families of Brights

Secular Services (in progress) - developing a directory of secular services for key life events (weddings, deaths, welcoming babies, celebrations of all sorts)

Web Site Development Phase 1(almost completed) - developing a new web site to bring it up to current Internet standards

Web Site Development Phase 2(team established; awaiting Phase 1 completion) - implementing additional features; including developing the mechanics for coordinating/tracking international task team projects live and on-line

Previous Tasks

Forum Development (completed) - designing and developing a Brights Forum with an "Action Forum" process

Press Release (completed) - compiling the email address for freethought organizations around the world

Dictionary (inactive) - contacting dictionary publishers to interest them in adding the noun bright to future editions



Organized Activities

The Brights' Net
P.O. Box 163418
Sacramento, CA 95816 USA

E-mail: the-brights@the-brights.net
To be counted as a Bright, please use the registration form.

Copyright © 2025 The Brights' Network. All rights reserved.


Creative Commons License
"the brights" logo by The Brights' Net is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Based on a work at the-brights.net.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://the-brights.net.