Disclaimer: The Brights' Net has not reviewed all the books in this section, and the authors provided their own descriptions. Ergo, The Brights' Net is presenting to you these works, not endorsing them.
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Above Us Only Sky
August Moon
Beyond the Age of Mythology
Dave The Penguin
Father, In a Far Distant Time I Find You
God On Trial
IT - Pieces in the Dark
Kylie's Heel
One Nation Under God
Outside, Looking In
Right on Time
Scenario: Nascent Christianity Emerges
Second Genesis: A Science Thriller
10 A Boot Stomping 20 A Human Face 30 Goto 10
The Collective, A Novel
The Cosmic Force, an intriguing investigation
The Fiery Alphabet
The Mystery of the Séance, the force of belief
The Room
To Your Own Self Be True
Brights: If you have a book that might join this list, please review the author guidelines for submission.
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