Project Area C

At this phase of the Morality Project, we have already articulated and defended a naturalistic basis of morality through Project Areas A and B.

Our current efforts (Project Area C) focus on necessary preparations prior to and including the disseminating and supplying of our basic material.

The basic material consists of four scientifically-substantiated conclusions about human morality, simplified and illustrated in a visual infographic form, accompanied by brief and simple explanations for each of the four conclusions (these will be presented on the website, which will also provide a link to the accompanying research studies themselves and supporting data).

As a part of Project Area C, we onducted a mini-project to transform the four scientific statements into a simple and visually appealing form for public consumption. Representing the essential information visually should surely enable more individuals to catch on to the main ingredients of the assertions/conclusions.

Reporting, as of June, 2014

The visual in English is essentially done; we are in the process of establishing rights to modify files, since we want to supply in additional languages via the website both the infographic and its supplementary explanatory material.

Reporting, as of Autumn, 2014

The infographic launch team has been utilizing volunteers from the constituency to help plan how best to manage the infographic's dissemination to and through social media.

Translations of the initial launch languages, text of the infographic and its explanatory statements is sent to the Brights who earlier volunteered to translate into a certain language. As translations are completed for the infographic and the statements' explanatory materials, they are being installed on the website, beginnng at the main index page.

Reporting, as of End of 2014

The infographic and its four explanatory pages has been launched in seven languages and online dissemination continues.

Further Activity, as of February 2015

The recommended bibliography of readings in English and links to all the peer-reviewed studies have been posted, producing a web portal offering an Open Source reference library. The set of materials has been previously described on the "This View of Life" evolution website as "arguably a singularly objective starting point for anyone wishing to understand morality as the product of evolutionary processes."

[Project Area C Completed]

Ongoing Activity, reporting in July, 2015

While a Task Team for Project Area D is being assembled, additional translations of the infographic and its accompanying explanations are being added as accomplished
The challenges of providing the right-to-left presentation of certain languages (e.g., Persian, Arabic) are being tackled.

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