Project Area D

August, 2015: A small project task team is being formed.

Do you have interest and time?

The most recent team pulled together project strands (A-C) to produce our free web portal on “Reality about Morality.”  The portal offers, in several languages, an objective starting point for anyone wishing to understand human morality as the product of evolutionary processes.

Now we would like to accomplish other avenues for understanding than simply those of independent interest. That is, there can be more purposeful direction to educating about morality, so this team will focus on the design and development of presentation and instructional materials suited for delivery to varied target audiences.

If you are interested and have time to commit (~10-15 hours a month), please consider applying to join the Area D Task Team 
Note: A volunteer should be in agreement with the project outcomes so far (Areas A – C), so that everyone can be moving forward into consideration of how to reach varied target audiences with presentation and/or instructional materials. (See right column for project history.)

Especially invited to apply to join this team are persons who have experience collaborating on instructional design, materials development or mass communications. Project members will communicate by Skype or Google Hangouts. 

You may express your interest by emailing with AREA D in upper case letters in the subject line.

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