Dear Bright
This is the 2008 September fund drive and, yes, we are asking you for a donation (donate button is in the right column)!
Regarding time and resources, we hope you recall that the Brights’ situation is quite unlike that of typical membership organizations. You are in a constituency. No one pays a membership fee to The Brights' Net, but the necessity for support is still present, and especially as we have grown larger. How much the organization can do depends on the constituents - you!
In this constituency, we don't think alike on many matters of identity, meaning, and values, but all of us hold a naturalistic worldview. This general perspective stands in stark contrast to prevalent and powerful outlooks. (All around, societies are infused with beliefs in supernatural ideas, and cultural narratives are brimming with tales of paranormal happenings and entities that cater to human endeavors.) The world is much in need of more civic engagement by persons free of such supernaturalism. We are optimistic that change can happen as more and more people get involved!
Renewing Our Pledge to All Brights

We will be focused on the purposes and principles stated on the website and will continue to resolutely work toward them as time and resources permit.
Paul Geisert and Mynga Futrell
Co-Founders of The Brights' Net
Below are four “snapshots” of what’s going on at Brights Central and worldwide with “the Brights movement.” Each snapshot highlights some aspects of the overall organization’s progress and needs. Along the way you will have opportunities to donate to a priority project or to the general work of the Brights’ organization, which is sustained by the generosity of constituents..
We invite you to spend some time “clicking around” through the information as you wish. But, remember, we are asking you to donate. So, please, don't get lost or leave the site before you make a contribution!
Your contribution today will keep us moving forward tomorrow. Thank you!
Achievements, Plans, and Needs
(Four Snapshots)
Note: you can also click to each Snapshot in the right column.