Snapshot 3: Web Enhancements

A Quite Nice Website

(But Augmentation Needed)

The main website (it is where you currently are right now) is the place for people to go to view the essentials of what has by now become known as the Brights movement. The site serves two functions.

Information center for visitors and constituents

The website is the definitive source of information on the Brights movement. Much said or written by individuals does not correspond to the reality. (The internet is rife with misconceptions and misrepresentations.) Refer those who wish to know about the movement to content placed in an authentic context on the site.

Communications and activity hub for constituents

The site accepts registrations and serves as the center of communications for many Brights, with a Forum, articles, over sixty monthly news bulletins, products, and much more.

Recent Website Additions

  • New visuals - home page has more titled pictures of all the Enthusiastic Brights in a rotating display; also links to the video page, to which we are adding a series of videos. Recently posted videos: Daniel Dennett speaks on "The Appeal of the Brights Movement;" several Enthusiastic Brights describe "The Civic Umbrella."
  • BCC Listing: Will has continued adding his contacts while facilitating younger folks forming Brights clubs.
  • Books by Brights - seven book titles with synopses have been added to listing
  • Bright Expressions - Jaricks' icon is another piece of body art displayed on the site; Sylvain's dramatic illustration inspired by the Brights' icon, Geoff's poem

Projects & Plans

Brief Report

Volunteer video producers, Liz and David, completed the graphics template for each item in the forthcoming distinctive set of mini-videos. Due to a move from one state to another (plus a hospitalization), progress has been slow, but has recently picked up. Two videos are completed and installed; editing of four has been completed and will be uploaded soon.

Other Plans

The idea of a "youth education" project to provide online access to quality instructional materials is in the making. Brights Central is working with other organizations on this idea, and it has already designed an information template that could be used for an online Wiki or a database repository of material to be made accessible (hosted online by The Brights' Net). The first priority is "critical thinking" lessons and activities. The background research was done by the American Humanist Association and Florida Humanist Association representatives and the results edited by Elaine, The Brights' Net's education specialist. The template was used by CampQuest counselors. More action to come.

Still on back burner are the addition of several segments of already-partially developed PowerPoint visuals online for access by BCC leaders and interested others. Similar projects are waiting in the wings to be accomplished through either pro bono services or adequate funding.

We need the support of every Bright, so please be as generous as you can.

Achievements, Plans, and Needs

(Four Snapshots)

Note: you can also click to each Snapshot in the right column.

1. More and More Brights: View Our Growth Chart
2. A Growing Team: Meet Our Dedicated Staff
3. Website Enhancements: Check out the Plans
4. Lots Going On: Sample Projects and Activities

Donate Now

The Brights' Net
P.O. Box 163418
Sacramento, CA 95816 USA

To be counted as a Bright, please use the registration form.

Copyright © 2024 The Brights' Network. All rights reserved.


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